SpacetoCo Blog

New Product Update! Notes tab, print from checkout, holidays on calendar and more!

Written by Shana Graham | Feb 7, 2022 12:19:00 AM

We've been busy here at SpacetoCo, rolling out some awesome updates for both Hosts and Guests. Check them out below!

Updates for Hosts:

  • Hosts can now see when important holidays are at a glance, including on their bookings calendar (with funky icons to boot!). 
  • Need to remember important things about a space? There is now a 'Notes' tab on each space for Hosts to write things down or even tag team members!
  • Hosts are able to bulk edit access instructions on spaces.
  • They can also bulk edit bump in/out times, booking slots and booking names on regular bookings.


Update for Guests:

  • Guests can print out booking details at checkout, which is handy for those who work paper-based and want to file things away.
  • Requested a change on your booking, but want to revert to the original details? Guests can now discard pending booking change requests.

To see all of these updates in action, watch the videos below. 

Host Updates:


Guest Updates: