Community Grants NZ - Auckland Region Focus

Community grants NZ
Grants for community spaces
Grants are a vital part of the funding sources for community centres - but finding and keeping on top of them can be challenging. We've tried to compile a list of all the grants available for community centres and what they might be able to fund at your space.
Health warning! This is not an exhaustive list - there are more and we will add them as we find them. Although we try to keep this page up to date, we are not the authority on these grants and we cannot determine your eligibility. The most accurate information is available at the primary website source of the funding.
List of grants for community centres
The below list is focused on grants that might be applicable for community spaces. This could be:
- Community lead centres and facilities
- Spaces ran by community trusts
- Community venues
- Community arts centres
- Sports clubs
- Community theatres
- Maraes
- Religious spaces
Many of these grants are equally applicable for funding for community groups for events, activities, resources, staffing and programming.
Auckland Council Community Grants
Auckland Council has the biggest variety of grants for community centres and many opportunities throughout the year to apply for them.
This useful Calendar for Auckland Council Grants shows what's available throughout the year, so you can plan ahead for applications.
Broadly speaking Auckland Council Grants can be divided into Regional Grants and Local Board Grants.
Regional Grants - fund organisations, activities, services, events that benefit people across the whole Auckland Local Council region.
Local Board Grants - fund things that impact the residents of a specific local board. There are also multi-board grants that enable you to be funded by three or more boards for the same project.
You should consider the impact of the program you are looking to fund to decide which grant type might be most appropriate.
You can find more information about the types of grants that Auckland Council provides here.
The main resource page for learning about Auckland Council Grants is here.
This video explains how you apply for Community Grants and has NZSL.
Contact an Auckland Council Grant advisor here.
Regional Grants for Community Spaces
These grants are for projects that are regional in scale, significance and benefit and align with regional priorities.
Creative CommunitiesHe Kaupapa Hapori Oro Hanganga |
Key Dates There are three funding rounds a year, closing in February, June and October each year. Round 2 2020: 1st Sep -18th Oct. Round 3 20/21: 1st Dec -14th Feb Grant Amount $500+ |
The scheme enables communities to bring art (music, dancing, film-making, weaving, singing, poetry and theatre) into the everyday lives of Aucklanders across the region on beaches, in parks, community halls, theatres, streets and galleries. |
Links: |
Waste Minimisation and Innovation FundTe pūtea Whakamōkito Para me te Auahatanga |
Key Dates Round 1: All projects 1st -30th September Round 2: Small & Simple projects April 2021
Grant Amount $250-$50,000 |
Support for projects that:
Links |
Waste Minimisation and Innovation Fund Guide 20/21 Round Specific Information
Environmental & Heritage |
Key Dates One round a year. 2019 was 15th July to 30th August.
Grant Amount $5000-$40,000 Smaller grants may be allocated |
Funding for projects where:
Links |
Regional Community Development GrantTe Pūtea Whanaketanga Hapori Ā-Rohe |
Key Dates 24th August 2020 to October 18th 2020
Grant Amount The maximum grant is $40,000 from a total of $295,000 available. |
Community projects that align with the Thriving Communities and Social Development Action Plan and enable Empowered Communities. Support for projects that:
Links |
Regional Community Development Grant Regional Community Development GrantOutcomes and Funding Priorities Empowered Communities Approach Quick Guide Thriving Communities: Community and Social Development Action Plan |
Regional Sport and Recreational GrantNgā Tukunga pūtea ā-takiwā mahi hākinakina |
Key Dates One round a year. No published dates yet (as of Oct 2020) Grant Amount Allocates $508,000 annually. There is no minimum or maximum. |
Sports projects for organisations that are:
Useful Links |
Local Board Grants for Community Spaces
Auckland has 21 Local Boards that are ran by a committee or locally elected members. They have an annual budget for grants that community organisations can apply for. Local Board grants are for projects that have an impact in a specific local board area e.g. perhaps for an event. There are two main types of Local Board grant.
Local grants
These grants are generally for higher value grants (over $2,000) and are usually available for 1-2 funding rounds a year.
Quick response grants
These grants are generally for small value grants (up to $2,000) and are offered more frequently and payment is actioned as quickly as possible. Note: not all local boards offer quick response grants.
There are also Multi Board Grants that allow you to apply once and receive one decision from 3 or more boards. You will specify the funding % and benefit % for each board that you are applying to. More information on Multi-board grants is here.
Local Board Grants |
Key Dates Dependent on the board area. Often 1-2 rounds a year. Grant Amount Dependent on the Local Board Budget. Often up to about $10,000 |
Projects for that will benefit a specific local board area community. |
Links: |
Other Government Funded Grants
The below grants are other sources of funding from local authorities or national government funding.
Regional Grants for Community Spaces
AT Community Bike FundAuckland Transport |
Key Dates There was one round in 2020 from 13th July- 23 Aug. We understand there will be another in 2021. Grant Amount $300-$5000 |
The AT Community Bike Fund supports communities and groups to deliver activities, events and projects that encourage more people to ride bikes more often in Auckland, especially new riders. It is part of AT's commitment to support and promote cycling as a transport choice The fund can be used for three activity types:
The grant will cover the following project costs:
Links: |
Lottery COVID-19 Community Wellbeing FundCommunity Matters (DIA) |
Key Dates Opens 28th October 2020 until all funding allocated
Grant Amount No Maximum. The grant budget is $4million. |
The Lottery COVID-19 Community Wellbeing Fund will provide one-off grants to support the following:
Links |
Community Organisation Grants SchemeCommunity Matters (DIA) |
Key Dates One round a year. 2020 was Apr 8th to 20th May.
Grant Amount No published information but average from 2019 allocations was between $3000-600 |
The Community Organisation Grants Scheme or COGS provides grants to non-profit organisations delivering community-based social services that contribute to achieving locally-determined outcomes. There are 37 local COGS committees that allocate funding. Funds projects that:
Links |
Creative NZ |
Key Dates Many rounds across the year depending on grant
Grant Amount Variable depending on grant |
Creative NZ has many funds available for the promotion of arts across Aotearoa. Not all are suitable for community centres or space, however there are plenty that would support arts programming, outreach and education. |
Links |
Regional Business COVID Advisory FundATEED |
Key Dates Last round committed Oct 2nd. More funding may become available, Grant Amount Up to $5000 Vouchers (to spend on professional training and advisory) |
THE COVID-19 Business Advisory Fund allowed Auckland businesses to apply for up to $5000 + GST in expert advice through the Government's COVID19 Business Advisory Fund. This means you can get vouchers to work with other business that provide training, digital capability building marketing and other advisory services. The best way to stay on top of this fund is to Register for Regional Business Partners to get updates. |
Links |
Regional Business Management Capability Development FundATEED |
Key Dates All year round Grant Amount Up to 50% of the cost of of management coaching and training from approved suppliers.
The RBP Management Capability Development Fund offers businesses up to 50 per cent co-funded support for management coaching and training services to build management capability. Find out what areas of support are eligible for this funding. |
Links |
Trusts and Private Funding
The below list is a (non exhaustive) list of other grants we're aware of that community organisations can apply to for funding.
Grant | Notes |
Auckland Airport Community Trust |
Supports Community Organisations impacted by noise in the airport area. Funds projects that are:
Transpower Community Care Fund |
The Transpower CommunityCare Fund assists those communities affected by Transpower assets and projects by investing in community-based projects that add real value and benefit to the community as a whole. The fund makes one-off grants between $5,000 and $50,000 for projects in communities along the existing National Grid route. In Auckland this is mainly West & South. Interactive Map here. |
Public Trusts |
Governing body for many trusts that have specific missions for their funding. At least 10 are for Social and Community organisations. |
The Auckland Foundation |
Mixture of private and public donation funds that support a range of community projects across Auckland. They support projects that aim to:
Pokie Proceeds Trusts |
Gaming machine societies that distribute grants to community groups. Typically the funding has to be for a project that benefits a community within a geographic area of one of the trusts gaming venues. More information about pokie proceeds and example projects is here. |
Foundation North |
Funding for projects that:
Two types of Grants: Quick response for up to $25k and Community Grants for above $25K. |
Mazda Foundation |
Corporate giving arm of Mazda funding projects that support:
Perpetual Guardian |
Manages a range of philanthropic trusts that have specific funding missions.One for religious community spaces is A.K. Franks Charitable trust for religious, charitable or educational organisations operating in Rodney |
Vodafone Foundation |
Funding for projects that create better outcomes for:
Music Helps |
Funds projects that use music in some direct way to enrich the lives of Kiwis in need and to help those across New Zealand to develop as members of the community. |
Sports and Recreation
Grants for community organisations and spaces that want support for projects that keep people active and healthy.
Grant | Notes |
Tu Manawa |
For community-based programmes and projects helping children and young people get active. Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa provides funding for programmes or projects delivering play, active recreation and sport experiences for tamariki and rangatahi. These may be new or already operating. |
Sport NZ |
Other funds that may be applicable for community sports clubs. |
Other Grant Directories
The below websites also have comprehensive grant information. Some may require a membership to access the information.
Looking for other ways to increase income for your community space?
Check out the below resources to find other ways of getting sustainable income for your community space.